
Task 3

Survey link

Website research

Jumanji   The website provides a gallery with relevant images of the movie as well as providing needed information such as how to/where to buy tickets. The website also have a lot of animation and even a tribal drum roll sound when you first go onto the website to add effect. Coco Coco did not have an official website as its target audience are not old enough to be browsing the internet alone.         Three billboards outside ebbing missouri When you first click onto this website the first thing you see (after a loading screen) is the official trailer and it is played fullscreen, you either have the choice to click off it or just watch it, then the actual site appears. The site shows the faces of the main actors in the film as well as reviews and awards it has won and links to the films social media outlets such as Facebook, twitter and instagram. Maze Runner - The death cure The maze runner official website is set out a lot simpler than other film websites. -the com

Update on production

So far we have filmed everything needed to be filmed including my part as well as Matts, Toms and Thomas' as well. We had to slightly change the layout of where certain things were filmed as we could not use the second smaller studio next the control room however that didn't really hinder us in any way. We ended up giving the henchmen and the host as well as a secret evil man all animal masks which with a touch up from me became very eerie, therefore adding to our production further in what we are trying to aim for; an eerie psychological thriller with interactivity.

Interactive production filming techniques

 Four filming techniques going to be used: 1) Close up -   A shot framing someones head or an object of similar size in detail. 2) Pan -  A shot where the camera pivots horizontally to the left or right (about its vertical axis) while filming.  3) Sideways Tilt  - A shot where the camera is literally tilted to give the shot an eerie/distorted effect. 4) Low angle shot - This is where the camera is lower than the subject being filmed giving the effect that the subject being filming is bigger or more empowered. 1 - we will be using this to show extreme detail of the hosts mask to almost scare the audience 2 - we will be using this to show more of the surroundings  3 - We will be using this, as i said in the example, to add an eerie/twisted affect on the visuals. 4 - we will be using this to empower the host through visuals  Timelapse Tips : Getting Pan and Tilt movements right -

cast & crew photos


4.1 Website planning

Task 5 - Where your content will feature Link this to the sitemap, Where will we see the film, Trailer, behind the scenes  - One thing that I am certain our film website will include is character profiles for the audience to get a better understanding of the characters before watching. This will provide any needed information as well as answer certain questions the viewers mite have. -Another obvious thing that is needed is the official film trailer for the production. This  needs  to be present when you first click onto the website as this is mainly how we will attract more  people to watch the film through a short preview.  -As well as the trailer, a 'behind the scenes' video will be available to click on and view, this will give people a feel as to the atmosphere behind the camera. -The website will also include social media links and any social platforms in which you can contact the film makers or leave feedback on what you think of the production. -There

unsure on moodle upload area


H5P Travis $cott

Task 4 - The Game

The game Dark comedy, horror/thriller - equivalent to black mirror due to the style and dark theme. -I believe that our film project will be rated 15 as we would like to include violence, swearing etc however we are not allowed our film to be rated 18. -Our film will target 14-18 year olds, however the content MAY be unsettling to certain 14 year olds or too complicated to grasp. 1. Target audience. - What content is the target audience looking for? -  14-18 year olds -What type of content do they tend to view and share? - Dark humour, that is humorous yet creepy and not cringey. -What questions are they asking? - idk Overview:  The four of us have been chosen for a quiz/game show to compete to win, however all four are unaware of the twist involved in playing created by the organisation running the show. Each character has something on their criminal record and have a past however not every character is bad. My segment: I am an ex big time drug dealer and my char

Task 2.2+2.3 - Researching TV Production

8 out of 10 Cats: Visual Codes  (describe the following elements of mise-en-scene) : Set/location of the production - In the studio with a contestant panel and an audience. Colour pallette and tone used within the show - Blue and Reds for a simplistic feel. Hair and make-up - Everyone has their own preferred hair and choice on makeup to give the show a comfortable/relax feel. Clothes  - Not overly smart; casual/own clothes almost for the same reason as hair and makeup. Presenters performance - He wears a suit with tidy hair and a formal presentation, he is lively with bad language and adult humour. Camera Shot types - There are long shots and medium shots with panoramas  to show the entire set/ what is needed to be seen Positioning - The cameras are positioned infant of the panel and the contestants and presenter are all sat on the panel. Movement - The contestants and presenter stay seated apart from when they do certain ch

Creating An Interview

When creating an interview there are many steps and rules suggested to follow. Some of these are: -The 180 degree rule: This is where cameras must remain on one side of an imagery line, because if there are cameras on both sides when putting the images together it will appear that someone has changed positions or moved when they have not.    -Eye contact: Eye contact is extremely important when interviewing someone as is gives the person being interviewed somewhere to look. If the interviewer does not keep eye contact the person being interviewed may look into the camera or look around which is bad, if they are looking into the camera whilst being asked questions by someone in the room it appears quite odd to anyone watching the interview. -Only speak when needed: When interviewing someone you only really want to be talking when actually asking the questions. Apart from that, when the person being interviewed is answering your question just nod to give th

Camera White Balance

Official terminology : On professional-level cameras, it can mean the white balance operation as described below (which is actually quite manual). This is because in professional situations, a "manual white balance" can mean altering colours using specialised vision processing equipment. If your camera has a filter wheel (or if you use add-on filters), make sure you are using the correct filter for the  lighting conditions. Point your camera to a pure white subject, so that most of what you're seeing in the viewfinder is white. The subject should be fairly matte therefore non-reflective. Set your exposure and focus. Activate the white balance by pressing the button or throwing the switch. The camera may take a few seconds to complete the operation, after which you should get a message (or icon) in the viewfinder. Hopefully this will be telling you that the white balance has succeeded - in this case, the camera will retain it's current colour balance until an

Audience Research

Audiences: -What is an audience: An individual or group of people who consume any media text. -Why are audiences important: Audiences are important as media organisations produce media texts to make profit, therefore no audience means no profit for the organisation. -What is the impact of new technology on audiences?: -What are the different types of Audiences: -What are the two main systems for categorising audiences:

Future Technology

Light L6 Camera :   This pocket-sized point-and-shoot has 16 different lenses (five 35mm, five 70mm and six 150mm lenses) each with 13 megapixels and multiple sensors, all working together to create exposures at different focal lengths, with the end result being high resolution DSLR-quality photographs.  There’s an algorithm somewhere in there that blends those individual images together and it shoots 4K video as well. With a combined 52 megapixels, you can even edit your photos right after you take them using the 5-inch touchscreen.  How I would use this for future work within my course:

Scene soundtrack analysis

Don't Be a Menace South Central While Drinking Your Juice - 1996 'Do We Have a Problem' scene:   Music: At 20 seconds dramatic non diegetic music is played to build tension leaving the audience questioning what might happen next as Ashtray is confronted. The tempo slightly increases, adding to this effect before it stops at 45 seconds where it is obvious they are no longer in danger. Also the music has a sound bridge as the it continues across transitions before it ends. Incidental/Ambient: From the beginning of the scene until the music is heard there are ambient sounds in the background of the city and transport to create a normal/everyday tone. However after, the ambient background noises are overpowered by dialogue and sound effects until 1 minute in, where they continue. This is so when they are not heard, something important is happening that they want the audience to focus on. Dialogue:

Week 5 - Fourth Evaluation of Carousel

Fast shutter speed Slow shutter speed Large aperture Small aperture In the fifth Carousel session we were doing  photography.  Before we began taking photos we learnt things such ass shutter speed and aperture. The shutter speed affected how detailed the image was if the thing being photographed was moving and the aperture affected the centre of focus and if anything appeared out of focus or not. - A fast shutter speed is required to freeze motion motion creating a sharp high quality image. E.g 1/1000 - A slow shutter speed can blur motion creating an interesting, almost distorted effect. E.g 1/13 - Large apertures work for detailed images such as words on a page and focus on everything in the image. - Small apertures work for photos such as the sky and only focus the centre of attention. - Large apertures give a shallow depth of field.  (Small numbers e.g 2.8 or 4.5) - Small apertures give a wide depth of field. (Large numbers e.g 22 or 32)

Week 4 - Third Evaluation of Carousel


Water Gif


Camera room homework

FISHEYE LENS: The fisheye lens can sometimes appear like a normal lens, however the majority of the time it appears to poke outwards slightly. The fisheye provides an almost stretched angle allowing you to see more in the cameras peripheral vision, almost like when you look through a peep whole in a door which means images can appear bent on stretched in the corners of the image or video. From owning one myself I know they are delicate and slightly expensive, especially when it comes to fisheye lenses such as the one shown up to a high standard. I chose the fisheye lens as I have past experience with them through skateboarding as it is the most popular lens used to film the sport as it captures more of the action, whilst allowing the filmier to record from a close range.

Critically comparing my skills, processes and methods:

Title : Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes and Methods 1st. Formulate your question: Look below at what you  are you being asked to evaluate. Unit 1 U1.2.1 Critically compare a range of communication methods used to convey meaning in creative media production. Note Critically is similar to compare but concentrate on the things that are different with two or more methods used or what sets them apart. Point out any differences which are particularly significant. In your own words say what U1.2.1 is asking you to do. Answer: To Critically compare media products. 2nd. Gather your information: What have you been doing that you can evaluate On your blog you now have two weeks detailing classes in The Carousel and professional ways to use tools, skills, processes.  If you have details of these you have done this point just add the links below. Blog link to last week: Answer:

Week 3 - Second Evaluation of Carousel

1.          Document what you do in the session  : 2.          Take notes of your experience of the following... - The dyes came in powder form before you mix with water - You paint your design on thin paper before heat pressing for one minute onto your fabric - The heat press takes 40 minutes to heat up efficiently - Each colour prints more vibrant and brighter then what the paint seems.     •  Research that you carry out in these sessions: Primary research - I tried for myself and used all the tools given. Secondary research - I listened to the teacher at the beginning of each session explaining                          everything. •  Skills that you have tried: Printing on fabric using disperse dyes and a heat press, Free machine embroidery, Hand sewing, Applique using Bondaweb, •The processes and methods you used : Process - Painting a design and pressing using heat press. (Printing) Method - Sketching the initial design then tracing ba