Creating An Interview

When creating an interview there are many steps and rules suggested to follow. Some of these are:

-The 180 degree rule:

This is where cameras must remain on one side of an imagery line, because if there are cameras on both sides when putting the images together it will appear that someone has changed positions or moved when they have not.


-Eye contact:

Eye contact is extremely important when interviewing someone as is gives the person being interviewed somewhere to look. If the interviewer does not keep eye contact the person being interviewed may look into the camera or look around which is bad, if they are looking into the camera whilst being asked questions by someone in the room it appears quite odd to anyone watching the interview.

-Only speak when needed:

When interviewing someone you only really want to be talking when actually asking the questions. Apart from that, when the person being interviewed is answering your question just nod to give them reassurance that you are listening.

-Framing the shot:

When filming the person being interviewed you want to make sure they are in the centre of you shot. You want to have a small gap between the top of their head and the top of the frame, and also the majority of the time you want to be zoomed in enough to only really see their shoulders and face. This is known as a medium close up shot;

(Note, you also want to make sure the camera is at the same height as the person being interviewed as this appears the best. If the camera is above it makes the seem child like and if it is below it makes the person being interviewed appear odd.)


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