Week 5 - Fourth Evaluation of Carousel

Fast shutter speed

Slow shutter speed

Large aperture

Small aperture
In the fifth Carousel session we were doing 
Before we began taking photos we learnt things such ass shutter speed and aperture. The shutter speed affected how detailed the image was if the thing being photographed was moving and the aperture affected the centre of focus and if anything appeared out of focus or not.

- A fast shutter speed is required to freeze motion motion creating a sharp high quality image. E.g 1/1000
- A slow shutter speed can blur motion creating an interesting, almost distorted effect. E.g 1/13

- Large apertures work for detailed images such as words on a page and focus on everything in the image.
- Small apertures work for photos such as the sky and only focus the centre of attention.

- Large apertures give a shallow depth of field. 
(Small numbers e.g 2.8 or 4.5)
- Small apertures give a wide depth of field.
(Large numbers e.g 22 or 32)


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